Penny Gets Roughed up and I Fall in Love with Ian all Over Again!

I enjoyed a lovely, relaxing visit with N…

Well…except for the moment when Chihuahua girl stuck her snout into the kitty condo and disturbed the occupant.  MEOW!

I learned that head wounds on dogs bleed just as profusely as those on people.  After consulting with the pharmacist at Shoppers Drugmart, I also learned that human antibiotic ointment works for dogs.

Penny learned that cats are not to be trusted.

So…other than a medical crisis, it was a pretty low key visit.

N and I went out for a couple of wonderful meals.  We watched a few good movies on Netflix.  We talked late into the night–which for me is about 9:30!

And, of course, we checked out the thrift shops.

Best thing I discovered, but didn’t buy:  a collection of Bay City Rollers albums from the ’70’s.  It was hard to resist the magnetic pull of the boys from Scotland.  (After all these years, Ian’s still my favorite Roller!)  I even considered framing them to create a Bay City Rollers gallery wall…then common sense returned and I passed on all that glorious vinyl.

And Penny–she’s resting comfortably after her ordeal.

Thrifted Then Gifted


With my new found love of thrift stores, I suppose it had to happen:  I’m giving someone a thrifted gift–gasp!

The back story is that I’ll be on the road again soon.  Chihuahua girl and I are going to visit N in Powell River.  Since she doesn’t drink, wine is out of the question.

I found a cute vintage-y three cornered plate with a fun map of what I hope is Denmark at the Hospital Auxiliary Shop.  (N is proud of her Danish heritage.)

She’s getting some luscious Avalon Organics shower gel, too, and I’ll pick up some nice chocolate.  (Can’t get that too early or I’ll just eat it myself!)

What’s the verdict–is it okay to give someone a thrifted gift?

Finders Keepers


I spend too much time thinking about what I want my future home to look like.  I’m currently into mid-century modern.

I read lots of decorating blogs and view vlogs to get ideas.  Many of the creative people online brag about finding gorgeous furniture on the side of the road.  I’d wonder where are these streets lined with free antiques–certainly not in my neighbourhood!

Then I came home the other day and discovered a Danish mid-century modern coffee table waiting for me at the edge of the parking lot!

Not sure how I’ll get it in the trunk of my Toyota Corolla when I move, but that’s a challenge for another day.

Over Sharing?


M came to visit for a belated birthday celebration.

We enjoyed wine, giggles and a raucous pub crawl that included every pub in town.  (Not quite as impressive as it sounds when you realize there are only two pubs in Sechelt!)

It was all good except that every time I started to tell an amusing anecdote I’d get well into my story and then realize…it was in the blog.

M follows the blog so she’s heard everything already.

Since M’s a trooper (and a supportive friend), each time I stopped mid-anecdote and said, “Oh, that was in the blog,” she encouraged me to keep telling it anyway.

Clearly I need to have more madcap adventures so I have something to talk about besides my Chihuahua.

Canada 1; Mexico 0


They say everything’s bigger in Texas.

I say they’ve never seen a Canada goose.

Chihuahua girl and I met a couple of Canada geese on our morning walk.  They were enjoying the view off the dock–the same view off the same dock we wanted to enjoy.

I didn’t think it would be a problem–two carnivores (one a descendant of wolves!) VS a pair of birds seemed like a pretty good odds.  I expected the geese would fly peacefully away.


They waddled further along the dock, stopping every few steps to glare at us over their succulent, meaty shoulders.  There may have been hissing, too.

Since Penny was wearing a new sweater and didn’t want to snag it in a tussle, and I prefer my altercations with fowl to be with the roasted variety, we retreated.

Canada 1; Mexico 0

Resolution Failed!!!


My New Year’s Resolution was a simple one–no shopping except for personal care items and lingerie as needed.

I was doing pretty well until I found this baby–a faux marble Chihuahua–at Urban Barn.  (I blame D, a decorating diva, for dragging me in.)

Once I set eyes on Brutus (yes–that’s his name!) I knew he had to come home with me.

My real life Chihuahua and bestie approves, so maybe I shouldn’t feel too bad.

Besides, my resolution was kind of vague.  Obviously it should have included a faux marble Chihuahua clause.

Mad March Square

I got the idea of looking for a Mad March Square from restlessjo.

Since we have no hares (I think the cougars eat ’em!), hunting for March squares was a fun challenge.

I discovered a few lovely cubes on my morning walk.  Surprisingly, I’d never noticed them until I was actively looking for squares.

I think this is yet another sign that once I know what to look for in life, I’ll find it.

So many signs…

Red Whine


After reading about the benefits of red wine, I’ve decided to switch from my beloved Chardonnay to something a little redder and smoother…for medicinal purposes of course.

After spending so much time in the liquor store the clerks gave up offering to help me, I finally found it–the ideal red for me.

How did I know it was perfect?  It had the three features I most value in a wine:

On sale–check!

Screw top–check!

Free gift–check!

Friends, I’ve gone over to the dark side.

Island Weekend

I had the best weekend visiting friends on Vancouver Island!

We stayed up late drinking too much wine and talking.

We went for a long walk through a damp and silent forest.

My willful Chihuahua surprised me by not growling at the lovely Misty, a gorgeous young chocolate lab.

I had so much fun, I didn’t even have the time (or the inclination) to take many pictures.  It was almost like a trip back in time to a pre-cell phone world.

As I try to figure out my future, one thing is clear–I’m moving back to the Island…I think.