Hell on Earth


With hundreds of wildfires raging throughout the province, the government has declared a state of emergency.

Parts of BC currently have the worst air quality in the world.

I’m tempted to whine about the misery and inconvenience until I remember the brave firefighters who are literally risking their lives.

I have two words:

Thank you.


*Normally, the ocean is blue, and there’s a clear view of Texada Island in the near distance and the mountains of Vancouver behind it.  


A Natural Progression

The three stages of welcoming a new to us chair:

Not quite sure about this piece, so perch uncomfortably on the foot stool.

Once a base level of acceptance has been reached, muscle in on the chair, pushing the occupant out of the way.

Finally, take over the entire chair (and fuzzy blanket)–ahhh!


  1. tNoNnow

My New View, Part Deux


I’m slightly obsessed with water views.

Probably because I grew up in a house with unobstructed ocean views.  I had no idea how special this was until I moved away–and lived in a succession of homes with less than stellar views.

I don’t have ocean views at my new place, but the view I have is pretty wonderful–I see mountains!

I find myself wandering to the window to look at “my” mountains throughout the day.  (They’re constantly changing.)  I’m even looking forward to seeing them dusted with snow come winter.  I’ve never anticipated winter with anything other than dread, so this is huge!

I see mountains!

And the Winner is…

My Boy, one of his friends and I had a marathon painting session, and covered all the sludge brown in the house.

My Boy was a champion, putting in several long days in sweltering 30+ temps.

I told him how proud I was, commenting that he didn’t even whine when I worked him like a dog.

“You were only one who complained, Mom.”

“Well, maybe a little…”

“A little!?  It was too hot.  You were tired.  You were hungry.  You didn’t want to paint anymore–”

“Why don’t we appreciate our accomplishments…silently?”

I can’t wait to settle into my Arctic White house!



Fifty Shades…


Now that I’ve bought a little old house, the real fun begins.

First on the lengthy to-do list:  painting.

I decided to go simple, classic and basic.  In other words, I wanted to paint the entire main floor white.

Easy peasy, right?


I found myself up to my elbows in paint chips and friendly suggestions.

Lemon chiffon, prairie dust, cloud, rose tint, blizzard, polar bear…

There are way more than fifty shades of white, but no one is rushing to make an adult film about this experience.