A Retired Day

Murphy and I went on a little road trip to experience a delicious “Retired Day.” (I was a Monday to Friday worker bee for so long that a weekday off still feels like a novelty.)

We went to Qualicum Beach, one of my favourite places and just about the prettiest little town anywhere. FYI: Qualicum Beach is also where O and I had our first two dates, so it’s got a special place in my heart for that reason.

We stuck to the forest and the village on our most recent visit, but the nearby beach is amazing, too.

Ye olde English-style buildings downtown.
Don’t you want to see what’s behind door #13? With a silver lame wing back chair and a rainbow on the outside, I’m sure the inside is stylin!
Murphy living his best life in the forest!
Nachos and wine at Lefty’s Restaurant–the perfect lunch!
This little cottage on the main street is my dream house!

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