Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough


Adulting sucks!

There was a time when no problem was too big for a log of chocolate chip cookie dough.

Sure the label warns it’s not to be consumed raw, but sometimes a girl’s got to throw caution to the wind, and live on the wild side.

I haven’t indulged for AGES.  I guess I’ve been eating a fairly healthy diet–lots of fresh fruit, unsweetened yoghurt, poached eggs, avocado and of course wine, which is in the Bible, so it’s got to be good.

So the chocolate chip cookie dough was meant to be a real treat.

Instead the lump I ate is sitting in my tummy like, well…a lump.  Ugh!  The rest of it’s in the fridge waiting to go in the garbage.

Not being able to stomach raw cookie dough is clearly an adult problem.

So, yeah, adulting sucks.

8 thoughts on “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

  1. It’s a slippery slope this addiction thing, it starts with cookie dough and the next thing you know you’re sitting in a California ‘clinic’ looking to get cured off the Wild Turkey (pepperoni sticks)!

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